Interesting Facts
Did you know that head lice are sneaky little buggers...that's right! They like to hide from the light and they are hard to see because they are only the size of a sesame seed.​
Head lice affect an estimated 6 to 12 million people a year.
Head lice mostly affect young children between the ages of 3 years to 11 years, but adults can get it too.
Head lice are oval in shape, coloration varies from a brownish tan to light tan, but may turn a reddish color after feeding.
Head lice is not a sign of poor hygiene.
The adult louse feeds about 5 to 7 times a day by piercing the skin with its mouth, injecting saliva, and sucking blood from the scalp.
Lice prefer to hide within 1/4 inch of the scalp on the hair shaft.
Adult lice can live up to 30 days on a person's head, and a female can lay 85 to 90 eggs during a life span.
A louse can only live 24 to 48 hours off its host.
99% of head lice are spread thru head to head contact.
Families should include checking for head lice in their weekly routine.
The life cycle of a head lice has three stages, eggs(nits), nymph, and adult louse.
Fact...Lice Masters, LLC, Practitioners are Highly Trained, Certified and Insured to remove head lice.
How Can You Get Rid of Head Lice?
Schedule with Lice Masters today! Increasing numbers of consumers are finding the most popular treatments for head lice are largely ineffective. Head lice are rapidly evolving chemical resistance to many of the traditional pesticide-based control methods (which have never been able to kill eggs/nits effectively and usually require repeated treatments.
In Case You Were Wondering…
Head lice do not carry or transmit diseases. The only medical concern is the possibility of a secondary infection due to scratching the bites.
Head lice can not jump or fly. They do not have knees to bend for jumping and they do not have wings for flying.
Head lice are most commonly spread from head to head contact.
Researchers have found that 99.6% of over-the-counter pyrethrin- and permethrin-based lice treatments are no longer effective in treating lice.